CWTI believes that the end-user of the software knows, better than anyone else, what functionality is required to be successful. We've based our company and every product we sell on this philosophy. When you see and use our products, you'll know they were designed by someone who uses the product, with help from our skilled analysts and developers, of course.

TrackIT - Automated Package Tracking System

 If you handle 30 or more in-bound packages each day from UPS, Federal Express, or other shipping companies , TrackIT is designed to make your life quicker, easier, and more accurate! Get control of those packages as soon as they land on your loading dock. Stop chasing shadows with the shipping company. TrackIT lets you track packages with the same tracking number as the shipper, avoiding confusion, and with a little technology-assist, speeding delivery too!

TrackIT has it's own website! Click here to go to the TrackIT web site.

Transit Operations System

Developed specifically for a major regional transit system, this application is unique within the transportation industry. This application lets you tend to the important issues of running a transit operation, while the machine handles tedious chores like bidding, vacations, and availability.

SSP Application Development Methodology

What does SSP mean? "Successful Software Projects!" This is a proven development methodology used by CWTI for our internal development, management consulting engagements, and some of our most successful customers. Call us to get all the details!

Industry-specific Data Models

Over the course of many years, CWTI has developed data models for certain industries and segments, such as Universities, Transit Authorities, and Health Care. Now, we've made these available to our customers to assist them in their internal efforts.

Customer Comment System

Specifically developed to assist capturing and managing Customer Comments.